Ingrown toenails can be a painful condition that mostly affects the big toenail. Improper treatment of the nail can result in severe infections. It is important to have your ingrown toenail treated promptly.
What causes an ingrown toenail?
There can be many reasons why a person may develop an ingrown toenail. The most common reasons are as follows
- Trauma/ injury to the nail
- Incorrect toenail cutting
- Picking nails
- Tight-fitting footwear
- Genetics

What are the available treatments for ingrown toenails at Bishopstown Podiatry Clinic?
- For minor ingrown nails, they can be managed conservatively in a regular appointment here at the clinic. This usually involves carefully removing the painful spicule of nail.
- Ingrown nails that are a result of excessive curvature of the nail may benefit from nail bracing which is a technique of applying a band to the nail that forces the nail to grow with less of a curve.
- For more severe ingrown nails it may be necessary to carry out nail surgery.
What is nail surgery?

Nail surgery is a procedure performed to treat ingrown toenails or other nail-related problems. This surgery involves the removal of a portion of the toenail, including the underlying nail matrix (the tissue from which the nail grows). A chemical agent, is then applied to the exposed nail matrix to destroy it and prevent future regrowth of the nail in that area. This treatment offers a permanent solution to stubborn ingrown toenails.
Benefits of the Procedure:
- Relief from pain and discomfort caused by an ingrown toenail.
- Prevention of recurrent ingrown toenails.
- Reduction of inflammation and infection associated with ingrown toenails.
- Improvement in the appearance of the affected toenail area.
See HSE website for more information Ingrown toenail –
How do I make an appointment?
Appointments can be made on the website via the online booking portal or by phone at 0214867629
Click to make an appointment by phone: 021-4867629Click to make an online appointment