Swift Verruca Therapy is a breakthrough technology developed in the UK for the treatment of stubborn verrucae. It has a success rate of over 83% after just 3 applications, making it the most effective treatment on the market.
- No dressings
- No anesthetic
- No breaks to the skin or blood
- No lasting pain
- No scar tissue
What is a verruca?

A verruca is a lesion that is most commonly found on the sole of the foot. It is also known as the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). It presents as a small area of hard skin, mainly on the sole of the foot and you may see a few black dots in the area. Verrucae can be picked up by close skin contact or contaminated surfaces through damaged or wet skin.
What is Swift Verruca Therapy?

Swift Verruca Therapy is a new technology developed in the UK to treat lesions such as verrucae and warts by sending non-harmful microwaves into the skin. The microwaves are guided directly into the lesion, stimulating the body’s immune response which will fight the verruca. As the verruca is a virus, it requires the body’s own immune system to clear the infection from the body. Although all verruca treatments create this immune response, Swift Microwave Therapy does not require debridement, dressings or dangerous chemicals like other methods used. This method has an 80% success rate, the highest of all verruca treatments on the market!

What to expect?
When you arrive at your appointment, the practicing clinician will apply the probe to each verruca present on your foot. Microwaves will be sent five times into each lesion for two seconds at a time, just ten seconds overall! There may be discomfort felt at the site but this is usually only felt during the ten seconds of treatment and the treatment will be over before you know it. There is no need for dressings and you resume your normal activities immediately.
How many treatments do I need?
There is an 83% success rate of clearing a verruca if 3 treatments are carried out 1 month apart, and a review session 12 weeks after. As every person is different, some patients may require further treatment at the 12 week mark.
What do I need to do?
Absolutely nothing! There are no home treatments or dressings required and you can return to normal activity straight after your treatment.
Is this treatment safe?
Yes, this treatment is very safe. The microwaves sent into the lesion are only strong enough to agitate water molecules as opposed to damaging DNA. This system requires less energy than most laser treatments on the market today!
Can anyone receive this treatment?
If you have a metal implant at the site of the lesion, have a pacemaker or have neuropathy (reduced sensation) in the feet you may not be able to avail of this treatment. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries or concerns.
How do I make an appointment?
Appointments can be made on the website via the online booking portal or by phone at 0214867629
Click to make an appointment by phone: 021-4867629Click to make an online appointment